Tax Incentives for ADA Compliance Federal and state tax codes promote compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act by allowing: * TAX CREDITS AND/OR DEDUCTIONS for improving accessibility (which may be used together) * TAX CREDITS for employment of persons with disabilities Architectural/Transportation Tax Deduction Tax DEDUCTION for ALL Businesses (Internal Revenue Code, Section 190) * For expenses incurred from removing physical/structural and transportation barriers * May be available as an annual deduction with a maximum of $15,000 per year Disabled Access Credit Tax CREDIT for SMALL Businesses (Internal Revenue Code, Section 44) * For businesses with total revenue of $1 million or less or a full-time staff of 30 or less * Can cover 50% of eligible access expenditures up to $10,250 annually (i.e., $5,000 maximum) * Offsets the cost of modifications to: * Remove barriers and/or improve accessibility * Offer alternate format materials (e.g., large print, audio tape, Braille) * Provide sign language interpreter(s) and/or reader(s) for customers/employees * Purchase certain adaptive equipment Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) Tax INCENTIVE for ALL Businesses (Internal Revenue Code, Section 51) * Incentive to hire persons from certain population groups that have a particularly high unemployment rate or other employment needs, such as Vocational Rehabilitation referrals Disabled Access Credit (CA state) Tax CREDIT for SMALL Businesses (CA Revenue &Tax Code, Sections 17053.42 and 23642) * For businesses with total revenue of $1 million or less or a full-time staff of 30 or less AND expenses resulting from increasing accessibility to comply with the ADA * Can cover 50% of eligible access expenditures up to $250 annually (i.e., $125 maximum) * May be carried over until exhausted