Enhanced Care Management

IEHP Enhanced Care Management (ECM) is a no-cost Medi-Cal benefit that addresses the clinical and non-clinical needs of high-need, high-cost IEHP Members through systematic coordination of services and comprehensive care management. ECM is a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to providing intensive and comprehensive care management services to individuals. It serves to build on the Health Homes Program (HHP) and Whole Person Care (WPC) pilots and transitions those pilots to one larger program to provide a broader platform to build on positive outcomes from each program.


ECM provides these vulnerable Members an additional care team to help coordinate and manage their care. The care team consists of a Nurse Care Manager, a Behavioral Health Care Manager, a Care Coordinator, and a Community Health Worker. These specially trained professionals collaborate with IEHP Members' Primary Care Physicians, Specialists, and family support systems to create a personalized plan of care.


Beginning January 1, 2022, please direct eligible IEHP Members who need the ECM services to call IEHP Member Services at (800) 440-4347, Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm. TTY users should call (800) 718-4347.


If you have programmatic questions, please submit them to ECM@iehp.org.


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