
Local Student Ambassadors Target Low Campus Vaccination Rates

Health Care and Community News

For Immediate Release 

Source: IEHP


Contact: Inland Empire Health Plan 

Media & Public Relations


IEHP is partnering with San Bernardino Valley College (SBVC) and Crafton Hills College (CHC) to increase COVID-19 vaccine awareness, education, and utilization rates among students through student-led vaccine education.

“I am participating in this COVID-19 Student Ambassador Program to educate and inform my community about COVID-19 vaccinations,” said Jasmine Mejia, CHC Student Ambassador. “Many lives have been lost and my community needs to know the truth about the importance of being vaccinated.  If I can get the facts out about the COVID 19 vaccine, then I will play a small part in saving lives in my community.”

Trained by IEHP’s Community Health Teams and the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, the eight student ambassadors – four at each campus – aim to increase on-campus vaccine rates by distributing vaccine information at booths located in the main areas of each campus, peer presentations, pop-up clinic promotions, and helping schedule vaccine appointments.  

“With vaccine mandates on campus, we want to make sure our local college students have all they need to continue their education safely,” said Marci Coffey, IEHP Community Partnerships Director. “We’re excited to work with students in this capacity and empower them to effectively inform and engage with their peers.”

IEHP will provide students with vaccine education resources, health plan materials, and promotional items to share during the program’s duration. In addition, the health plan will provide a stipend to the students committed to participate in the program four days (16 hours) a week.

“Education is key and, if provided, I feel that each person will make an informed decision. As an ambassador, I hope to spread the word that lack of insurance, immigration status, or having permanent housing doesn't disqualify anyone from receiving vaccinations and boosters,” said Sophia Zamora, SBVC Student Ambassador.   

The project is set to run from January 4 to March 31 on both campuses.

“We understand there are concerns and fears associated with the COVID-19 vaccine,” said Dr. Takashi Wada, IEHP’s Chief Medical Officer. “Learning from a qualified, well-informed peer can help drive positive influences and healthy decision making. We hope to increase those opportunities for students by empowering student ambassadors with all they need to spark conversations that will ultimately lead to healthier students and communities.”